You’ve got an event coming and it’s time to get the word out with a campaign. The scramble begins, emails are sent, posters are made, tweets are flying and event flyers get made.
It’s easy to tweak your online content but when it comes to a print run. Stop. Think. And ask yourself these 3 questions first:
It’s all about combining the power of Print AND Digital.
You’ve invested a lot of time and money on earned online audiences online and carefully constructed platforms. Don’t just integrate your platforms online.
Make sure your offline marketing collateral drives traffic to those essential landing pages where the magic really happens.
Call to a Digital-Action
All marketing material needs a call to action.
Makes sure all your flyers and print collateral drive those eyeballs to that landing page, a digital CTA . HOW?
Make sure your website address is clearly marked
Enable a QR code for fast smartphone access to a specific registration landing page.
Go one step further and use Dynamic QR codes that allow you to change the destination content as you get closer to the event.
Don’t forget your email address for direct queries.
Remember that old adage: 50% of Advertising is wasted?
Not if you are tracking.
Use a different promo code for each recipient segment/distribution point, especially if you registering attendees or selling tickets.
Use a different trackable URL shortcode /QR code, to analyse where the traffic came from should they go online.
Variable Digital printing technology makes it easy for us to vary promo codes within the same print run. You can go further and personalise each flyer if needs be. You just need to include a database.
90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual. It’s not just about volume, it’s about speed. Visual information is understood 60,000 times faster.
We’re not just talking about fancy eye-popping graphics for the sake of it though. Splashing your flyers with lurid graphics and neon colours isn’t the main aim here.
It’s about conveying relevant information visually. Not inundating the viewer with reams of text – use infographics over paragraphs. Icons over headlines
It’s about using a hierarchy of fonts, colour -coding and white space when organising information on a page.
It’s about using graphics, memes and visualised data that enhance memory.
It’s about ensuring your brand identity is consistent throughout the piece
This requires good Graphic Design.
Go from a Visual Flyer to a Video
That’s right, go one step further.
With a simple augmented reality app like this one, you could bring any printed flyer alive with a smartphone. It’s easier than you think.
These days you can hover a smartphone over any printed image and trigger a video on-screen, call-to-action buttons, and even virtual reality with the right portable headset.
A Magazine advertisement that plays a video,
A Property flyer that gives a 360-degree tour of the location,
A Prospectus that gives face-to-face alumni testimonials and interviews,
A Festival Programme that plays trailers,
A Product catalogue that shows you how to assemble each item.
A Recipe that gives you a mouth watering visual of every dish…
There you have it
3 simple questions, that open up a more trackable, interactive, visual and lively experience using a simple event flyer – all because the technology is well within your reach these days.
Just #TalktoSnap; query online, or via phone 1850 812002. We’ll help on all fronts when it comes to your next event.
Sponsors blog contributed by