CameraMatics is a driver-centric cloud system founded in 2016 by Mervyn O’Callaghan and Simon Murray. Our founders noticed the rapidity of change required to properly serve fleet operators, therefore the CameraMatics system has been designed to be configurable and modular.
Deployable to any vehicle type, utilizing cutting-edge technologies such as HD-cameras, driver apps, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and pedestrian detection sensors. Big data generated is transformed into fleet-relevant insights that support driver safety, load security, sustainable operations, and continuous learning and improvement.
Consequently, the insights generated through the CameraMatics system empowers both drivers and fleet operator to become more agile, and responsive and continuously improves their performance, through enhanced visibility and digitized smart processes.
Our AI-connected video technology gives drivers and fleet managers a 360-degree birds-eye view of the surrounding road and other road users, aiding in making the road a safer and more sustainable place for all.