
Learn about Enagic Kangen Water on 20th February

4 February 2020
Est. Reading: 1 minute

Enagic’s Kangen Water®

Enagic’s Kangen Water® systems enhance nature’s most vital life- source using the latest scientific research and technology, mergedwith superior Japanese craftsmanship.

Enagic International is the only water filtration and alkaline-ionizer distribution
company in the world with its own OEM manufacturing facility in Japan and
ISO certified quality control processes. The systems are manufacured under
medical equipment licence, approved by the japanese ministry of health and
in use in many hospitals in Japan.
Kangen Water® is alkalized, hydrogen rich, hydrating six times greater that
any other water and packed full of antioxants. The company vision is to
promote a healthy body, healthy mind and health finances.

Change your water change your life®

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